Thieme Gruppe

About us

We improve health and healthcare – by providing the key information at the right time and the right place! #WirLiebenDiesenBeat

Read more about the Thieme Group here.

Experts from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields work closely together at the Thieme Group to this end: Medical professionals and scientists, nursing staff and therapists as well as product and project managers, IT and application specialists and experts for communications, marketing, sales and the commercial areas.

It is not only their expertise, but also their enthusiasm for innovative, user-focused information and services that are essential foundations for the success of this traditional family business. A modern, visionary corporate strategy guides them all to develop solutions for a dynamically changing market every day.

Thieme is a market-leading provider of information and services that contribute to improving health and healthcare.

The family-owned company, with over 1,000 employees, develops digital and analogue services in medicine and chemistry. The international group of companies with 11 locations worldwide uses a broad network of experts and partners as well as the high-quality content of its extensive book and magazine program for this.

With its solutions Thieme supports relevant information processes in science, education and patient care. The focus is on the needs of medical students, doctors, nurses, therapists, hospitals, health insurance companies and all those interested in health. It is the Thieme Group’s claim to provide them with exactly the information, services and tools they need in a specific work situation or phase of life. Due to the high quality and target group-specific relevance of the services offered, Thieme paves the way for better medicine and a healthier life.

wir sind thieme

We are convinced that diversity creates innovation and that diversity in all its forms and different facets moves Thieme forward! We are looking for young talents and experienced professionals who want to use their knowledge and expertise but also their great passion at Thieme to work for better medicine and a healthier life.

We need visionaries who are actively involved in shaping the digital transformation in the healthcare sector and committed movers and shakers with creative ideas and a feel for sustainable processes and business models.

We want team players who want to break new ground together and become part of our international network of experts!

At the same time, we require consistent customer focus, the highest quality standards, pronounced innovative strength and the will to succeed. Whether directly after leaving school, during your studies or after your exams, as an experienced specialist or manager, expert in healthcare or career changer – if you are passionate about better medicine and a healthier life, if you are curious and motivated, enthusiastic and creative, then we would like to get to know you!



We offer you exciting jobs with great creative freedom in the areas of content and product development, data science and information technology, communications, marketing, sales and more.

Flexible working time models and mobile working, intensive cross-divisional exchange as well as regular specialist training within the Thieme ACADEMY contribute to your personal development and career opportunities based on your strengths.

Fairness and trust characterize our relationships with customers and business partners. These values also guide our internal collaboration, which thrives on mutual support, appreciative cooperation and an open communication culture.

We are actively shaping spaces and building a foundation for the innovations of the future, with personal development and a chance for everyone to contribute. With the NewWork@Thieme program, we’re well on our way to the working world of tomorrow!


Thieme is one of Stuttgart’s 25 best employers! The finding comes from a survey of around 14,500 employees by Statista and Capital.

The benefits for trainees at Thieme include binding training standards and proper compensation. The traineeship is backed by the seal of quality from Junge Verlags- und Medienmenschen e. V., an organization of young publishing professionals.

The traineeship in the Communications Department has also been certified by the Deutsche Akademie für Public Relations GmbH (DAPR) as a high-quality training program.

At the Erlangen office, Thieme has maintained a training partnership with the Erlangen BDS AZUBIAKADEMIE. Apprentices can network with companies from around the region in joint projects and workshops.

